Saturday, March 20, 2010

a note from Drew Hobson, now teaching at South Shore School...

One of RVYT's amazing teachers, Drew Hobson, just wrote this about his residency at South Shore School:

"Today I got to tell one of my playwrighting students that I believe in him. He Kept Insisting that he doesn't have an Imagination. And I told him (and then the whole class) that I grow up in the Central Distric too. Gangs, Drugs, Shootings, I've seen it all. But I had someone when I was their age show me how to use my Imagination to Free myself from my surroundings. That's why I LOVE doing what I do, having the chance to tell them if I did it, so can they. I could see on his face, and the rest of the class that I was getting across to them. If that's all they walk away with from my class, then I've Succeeded. Encouraging a Child's Imagination Unlocks an Infinite Amount of Doors in their Future. And "I Believe in you", Four Words That Can Change A Child's Life."

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Young Playwrights! Stories are unfolding...

RVYT is currently teaching playwriting residencies at Rainier Beach High School and South Shore School. Teaching Artists Maria Glanz and Drew Hobson are leading students through the creation of characters, settings, plots and conflicts - and from the look of some first scenes, these plays are going to rock!

The Rainier Valley Youth Theatre Young Playwrights Festival will take place on Saturday, May 22, at the Rainier Valley Cultural Center, a program of SEEDArts. The YPF features professional actors performing the best student plays written during playwriting residencies held this spring at Rainier Beach High School and South Shore School. Student plays are read by a panel of theatre professionals, and the best are selected to be performed in staged readings. A question and answer session with the featured student playwrights follows the performance.